Feed requirements for dairy animal
- Feeding a growing heifer
- Up to six months, a heifer can be raised on pastures as long as it is good quality pasture
- At 6 – 12 months, if concentrates are available, provide 1- 2 kgs daily to ensure sufficient nutrient intake for normal growth.
- Feeding a pregnant cow/heifer
- 2 months before calving the cow/heifer should be steamed up with high quality concentrates
- A pregnant cow should be given concentrates for maintainace + production + extra 1 to 1.5 kgs per day.
- Feeding a Lactating cow
- During the first three days after calving feed cow moderate amounts of dairy mash or concentrates plus high quality roughages available all the time
- High protein concentrate should be fed to high milk producers at the rate of 1kg concentrate for every 2.5 kgs of milk produced
- If the forage is of poor quality then a higher protein concentrate should be fed
- Provide plenty of cool and clean drinking water all the time.
- Feeding dry cow
- If a dry cow is in good condition it can maintain its health on good quality forage only
- Dry cow in poor condition should be given supplementation of a concentrate of 2kgs daily during the early dry period until 2 weeks before calving down time
- Two weeks before calving, the amount should be reduced to 1kg/day.
- Feeding a herd bull
The bull should be put on good quality roughage plus 2 -4 kgs of a concentrate daily.