There are two types of chicken houses recommended for indigenous chickens
These are:
Pigeon type
- This is made from locally available materials like:
Bamboos or reeds and is raised at least a meter high above the ground
Deep litter type
- The house can be made from mud, reeds, planks and bricks
- The roof is properly thatched with grass or iron sheets depending on the farmer’s resourcefulness
- The size depends on the number of chickens the farmer wants to keep
- As a guide 10-15 adult birds per a square meter
- Provide chickens with perches, nesting boxes, feeders and drinkers
- Cover the floor with dry litter
- Keep the house clean
Site selection for chicken khola construction
- Select a site that is safe from predators and thieves
- Site the khola to the wind ward direction from the dwelling house
- Avoid water logged site
- The site should not be too far from residential house
- Clear the site and 3 meters around the khola to keep away predators
Materials for khola construction
Make use of locally available materials in your area which include:
- poles
- bricks
- reeds
- mud
- grass or iron sheets and others available materials