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  • There are two types of nursery beds, that is dry seed bed and wet seed bed.
  • Prepare good seedbeds early to enable timely sowing and transplanting

Wet Seed Bed

  • Wet seed bed is system of raising rice seedlings in swamps within the main rice plot where the seedlings are going to be transplanted on the lowest water level point
  • It is prepared in the same way as you prepare plots for transplanting
  • Water for the nursery bed comes from the main rice plot water supply.

Dry Seedbed

  • This is usually the practice of raising rice seedlings in the upland
  • Dry seedbed is prepared outside the rice plot
  • This method is only applicable for medium and long duration varieties that can stay up to 28 to 35 days without any significant loss in seedling establishment as well as seedling damage during uprooting
  • Prepare nursery beds at the side of the field, where irrigation water can easily reach and where rainwater cannot easily submerge the nursery beds.

Sowing seed on nurseries

  • A seed rate of 63 kg for local varieties and 75 kg for improved varieties is required for one hectare
  • If using SRI, 12kgs of rice seed is required for 1 hectare
  • Sow your rice seed when there is enough water
  • Sow rice on flat beds 20m long, 1m wide and 5 cm high
  • If growing rice using System of Rice Intensification (SRI method), 20 beds of 1m x 5 m will produce enough seedlings for one hectare
  • Sow rice seed evenly but not crowded to minimize intra-competition
  • Cover the nursery beds with manure or friable soil or sand for easy germination
  • Apply 500 gm (half of 1kg packet of sugar) of 23:10:5+6s+1Zn per bed of 1m x 5 m
  • Mulching should be done to reduce moisture loss and avoid direct sunlight effects on the rice seed
  • Watering of nursery beds should be done when need arises, in the morning, afternoon and evening especially for dry seed beds
  • Nursery beds should not be flooded
  • Weed the nursery beds regularly.
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